The Potential Of Flowers

The Potential Of Flowers

Posted by Alicia Overton on

Just like humans, flowers have their unique energies. A Datura flower does not have the same energy as a Dune Primrose just like a Blue Columbine does not have the same energy as a Bird of Paradise. Each holds its unique vibrational signature that we can use to support ourselves through the various energies we experience as humans every day.
Picture your aura, chakras, or vibrational field...How often does it feel weak, unbalanced, or Are you experiencing unwanted energy, stress, or emotions that feel heavy and difficult to manage? If so, consider letting our Desert Flower Essences take you on a journey to heart center, personal awareness, and self-discovery. Depending on what flower Essence you choose, you are introducing that particular energy and vibration to your field, helping to either disperse it or raise it to a higher state of being. Just like yoga, meditation, or chakra healing, Flower Essences can be a wonderful tool to help bring the mind, body, and soul back to a place of harmony. A few drops on the tongue, pillow, or in bath water is all you need!

Bird Of Paradise assists us in moving towards self-empowerment, releasing unhelpful habits, and replacing them with joy and enthusiasm. It is especially helpful in breaking free from limiting relationships. This essence encourages us to stand tall and expand our glorious selves.

Blue Columbine can help those who find it difficult to laugh and play. It will help you find your unique way of lightening up. Blue columbine flower essence also helps with the release of some forms of energetic attachments.

Sacred Datura helps dissolve illusions, perceptions, & helps you let go of ideas of how we want things to be. This is a flower for bringing us out of denial, shattered dreams, or limiting beliefs so that we can obtain a greater point of view.

We have a beautiful collection of Desert Flower Essences just waiting for you at the Apothecary. 

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