If you want to heal, find water and stars.

If you want to heal, find water and stars.

Posted by Alicia Overton on

Like an ancient energetic imprint, Hydrosols contain the complete energetic and aromatic signatures of medicinal plants and flowers. Preserving the delicate cellular waters of a living plant along with a wide array of medicinal constituents through the alchemical process of distillation, Hydrosols offer to us both nourishment and renewal for the mind, body, and soul. This is more than just a spray for the skin Moonbeams. This is your chance to experience something truly profound. This is your opportunity to feel the greening power of the divine through the precious waters of a plant. 


Hydrosols are considered aromatherapeutic because they contain micro amounts of pure essential oils that help restore peace and balance to the nervous system. Whenever you’re feeling anxiety, stress, or just need to come back to heart center, close your eyes, give your face, body, or sacred space a generous spritz, and breathe in deep. Like fresh rain, let our aromatic waters wash over you. 


On a biochemical level, hydrosols contain hydrophilic plant acids that naturally help restore the skins optimal pH and anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help tone, soothe, and calm. To keep your skin plump, nourished, and hydrated, generously spritz your body all over 3 to 4 times a day. You can even spritz your hair to stop oiliness, moisturize, and increase shine. Similar to the feeling of forest bathing, you’ll feel energetically renewed after each use. 


Each living cell within the healing waters of a Hydrosol carries with it the memory of the land from which the plant grew and the intention with which it was created. When we honor this powerful spirit medicine, we energetically tend to the garden of our soul through Viriditas. When in need of more soul connection, Hydrosols make a great energetic tool for healing practices. Spritz yourself generously to cleanse your aura, clear stale energy from your sacred spaces, tap deeper into meditative states, or to connect deeper to the universe and her magic.


Discover Lunar Logic Wild Water / Slow-process Alembic Still Hydrosols

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